Archive - Meeting Minutes 2023-2024
Meeting Minutes — 3/19/2024
Welcome greeting: Joelle Oh, PTA Co-President
Principal Address: Principal Verdiner
1. Yoga session: There was Yoga at the Upper School. This is the 2nd time yogis have come to our school and it’s sponsored by District 5 grant that we have. Tomorrow at Lower School.
The only requirement is to sign in that you are a guardian of the student at TCCS, and you would be assigned to a space. Right now they anticipate around 6 parents and they’ll do it daily. Ms. Kam will send out information and she will work with the PTA to get the word out to families.
Please fill out the form for, #1, to hear TCCS parents and guardian’s voices / #2, As we have high level parent engagement, our survey should show that too! The last day to fill it out is April 4th. There are many parts of the survey but one of the important parts is parent involvement. Parent intake, the percentage of parents participating in a survey, can send a message to prospective families, to our politicians. Ms. Kam can help, if you need any student information.
Please sign-up for 14 tickets. Please reach out to Ms. Kam for more information.
Also working with the Teachers College to secure a space for our students' end of the year performance. More information is coming.
An email sent out to families with the information. If anyone has issue regarding to the account creation code, please reach out to Ms. Kam.
Q: Colette: When the information regarding the Harlem Renaissance Art expo went out? Never received? A: The email will be sent out by tomorrow morning.
Reading of Feb. Meeting Minutes: Read by Joelle, Co-president
Treasurer’s report: Esther, Co-Treasurer
Committee Update: Ashley, Co-Vice President
-Possible to ask each grade make donation
-Spring Fling: Sat. 5/18
-Variety of seeds, Peat Pellets, Seed Starter Tray, Watercans
taking stamina for 50 minutes.
PTA Announcement!
1.SLT (Virtual School Leadership Team): Thursday, 3/21st, 4 pm
Meeting Minutes — 2/13/2024
1. Welcome
Chiz Y, Co-P
2. Principal Address
Ms. Verdnier (was not able to attend the meeting)
3. Reading of Jan’s Meeting Minutes
Brandi E., Co-Secretary
4. Treasurer’s Report
Allegra S. & Esther S., Co-T
5. Committee Update
Ashley M., Co-V.P.
Chiz Y, Co-P
A. Event Committee
Collette L., Co-V.P.
Allegra S., Co-T
B. Fundraising Committee
Collette L., Co-V.P.
Allegra S., Esther S. Co-Ts.
All other committee updates will be reported during the March PTA meeting.
Date: Friday, February 16th, 2024
Time: 8pm-1am
Location: Grand Slam Banquet Hall 3534 Broadway (145th Street)
There’s a 22% discount Code: LETSDANCE
Raffle Prizes
1. Wine Basket
2. Private Chef for 2
3. Private Chef for 4
4. Private Training Sessions with Shake Down Fitness
1. SLT (Virtual School Leadership Team)
Thursday, 02/15th at 4pm
2. FLP (Families as Learning Partners) & Coffee W/Principal @
Lower School
Friday, 02/16th
3. The Winter Soirée (In 3 Days!!!)
02/16 8pm @ Grand Slam Banquet
4. Mid Winter Break- School is Closed
02/19th – 02/23rd
5. Parent For Learning (please sign up)
Friday, 03/01st, 8:30am-10am @ Lower School
6. March, PTA Virtual General Meeting
Tuesday,03/19th, 6:30pm
Meeting Minutes — 1/26/2024
2. Many thanks to our teachers for their commitment and to the families for the commitment to making it to school yesterday during a very cold and snowy morning!
3. Please encourage students to continue washing their hands, covering their sneezes and coughs, and using tissue as we know this season has been high with rates of covid, flu, and stomach viruses.
4. Stomach viruses rates have been higher in lower school.
5. If your child is sick and has a fever, please keep your child home.
6. New Nurse — Nurse Bellin
8. Double dutch for middle school
Meeting Minutes — 12/19/2023
- Bake Sale
- Annual contribution
- 2nd Grade
- 5th Grade
- Pre-K
- Kindergarten
Committee Updates
Events committee, Collette
- Fundraising
- Auction
- Spring Fling
Gardening Committee, Joelle
- Mr. Whitney helped planting bulbs
- Collecting containers for spider plants
Community engagement, Ashley
- Working on adult event
Building committee - no update
Announcement December
- Spirit week
- Thursday SLT meeting
- Winter recess
- January sign up
- Teachers and staff holiday lunch
- Parent social 1/19
- January alternate coffee date 1/5
Meeting Minutes — 11/28/2023
Welcome from Co-President, Chiz
Welcome from Ms. Verdiner
Updates from Principal Address:
- GENGave thanks to the Thanksgiving Social contributors and the PTA
- Discussed turkey delivery issues, purchased turkeys for parents the following day
- ENL teacher update, new ENL teacher for children whom are new to the English language,
Mr. K is his name he started today. - Spirit week will be held December 18, 2023 to December 22 , 2023
- Popcorn fund raiser-classes who sell the most will win prizes, 5th and 8th grade
Sale funds will go to their senior dues - Math Stimulation Exams happened earlier today, tomorrow the second day of exams will
happen and then again in Spring 2024 - Select students in TCCS will be selected to take ELA Regents exam. All students in TCCS
Middle School will take the Living Environment and Algebra1 Regent Exams - December 1, 2023 High School applications are due
- December 8, 2023 Middle School applications are due
- Question: Is there an OT Provider (occupational therapist)? Answer: Yes, we have Ms.
Diskind, she’s our occupational therapist, she was out on medical leave and returned last
week, she’s working on her schedule and will contact you regarding your child.
Question: Where will funds for the other grades selling popcorn go? Answer: The teachers
will get the funding and use it for trips and what is needed for classrooms, it’s up to the
teachers to determine where the funding will go.
School photos are not coming to the school, when ordered they will be delivered to the
address of your choice.
Co-Secretary PTA Election happened- Jonell Ferguson was elected Co-Secretary
Ms. Berstein’s class is in need of a class parent
5th Grade has a new unit on journalism, students will be reporting current events around the
school and interviewing classmates
Event committee updates- Thanks to everyone who participated for the Thanksgiving
Potluck, parents are welcome to join or participate at anytime.
School Garden Committee update- Lily bulbs were planted at the upper school and received
seed and spider plant donations from Grow NYC
Meeting Minutes — 10/17/2023
Updates from Principal Address:
- Amy gives updates on school website
- Student Council elections on Friday 10/20
- Parents as Learning Partners (PLP) next week followed by coffee with the principal 10/27
- Character Day 10/31 (no weapons)
- Basketball team coming to TCCS middle school!
- #Parentsforlearning will be announced to parents on 11/3
Q: Any qualifications needed? A: No. Just ID and no toddlers - Q: Is there an update regarding the school building moving to the east side? A: Not moving to that building. Didn’t work for all families. Still looking for a better fit.
Colette introduces SLT roles up for vote:
- Co-secretary
- 2 SLT
- Joelle calls for nominations for co-secretary
Response: none given
- Joelle calls for nominations for SLT roles
Stephanie Ramsey nominates self
Tammy Jackson Traoré nominates self
Stephanie and Tammy accepted as new SLT members
- Nominations for co-secretary opened once more
Response: Colette moves to wait for nomination and vote in November meeting
Bylaws need to be changed
- Motion for approval to move to virtual meetings
Response: Motion passed
- Motion to change yearly family money contribution. 1-2 kids/$150 3+/$200. Includes all school supplies, teacher gifts, etc. Payment plan options.
Response: Majority rules. Motion passed
Committee Updates
- Colette gives updates on event committee
- parent social Friday 10/20
- Fall Bake Sale
- School Picture Day
- Giving Thanks social
- Joelle gives update on class parents committee
- 7th grade parents needed
- Ashley gives update on community engagement committee
- Ashley gives update on building committee
- Joelle gives update on garden committee
- 2 upper school reps (Rebecca & April)
- 2 lower school reps needed
- Can photos arrive at the school?
- looking into it
End meeting